Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Almost forgot February!

Man! February has flown by! As you can tell, so much so that I have forgot and waited until the last minute to post something. I still want to keep to my resolution of trying to post something at least once a month, at least for the 1st year of this blogging!

February has been busy, both personally and photographically. Our area of Richland County, Illinois received a significant amount of snowfall earlier in the month of about 10" - 12". The most we've seen in several years. Back in the early 70's it seemed like during the Winter months we got 10" - 12" inches weekly! The snow created some opportunities for for Winter photography around the area which I came back with several that will make wonderful fine art prints . Print sales for me have still been good despite the economy, so I hope this trend continues.

I have been speaking with freelance Wildlife Photographer, Tom Ulrich ( tomulrichphotos.com) and he will be coming to Olney on March 17th for a presentation of his work over the past years. Tom has 600,000 captures of wildlife and landscape captures in his portfolio, many of which have been published. He will be presenting at 7 pm on March 17th at the East Richland High School Classitorium so, come out if you can for a wonderful presentation of his work!

Also in March, you will find a presenatation of my work in the Olney Arts Council Travelling Art Exhibit at First Financial Bank, in Olney. It will be there the entire month of March. As well, I will have 2 pieces of work showcased and given away by Energy Insurance at the Midwest Oil & Gas Show, in Evansville, Indiana.

Until next time........................Mitch